To make sure we are all excellent to each other, keep all systems humming, and kindly support random-yet-impactful hacks.
- ⚙️ Coder / Hacker
- 🛡️ Staff / Organiser
Added English translation of requirements doc, linked code repository with demo app
The proto-chatbot is running again (search for Campax Elections in Telegram) and we are making it easier to use and smarter.
We have a demo project up where we are reading the CSV files and (separately for now) auto-translating the strings.
We have started a GitHub Project with a simple kanban plan of our work, and are setting up some Jupyter notebooks and VMs at the moment.
qaStaHvIS ram law' Hoch DaSovbe'chu'
(That's MS Klingon for "A glorious valiant death by a thousand hackathons")_
Ist das Hackathon-Konzept auch auf andere, nicht digitale Bereiche übertragbar? Produkt/Prozessentwicklung, Prototypen, Modellierung..
Hackathons interessant für Studierende an der BFH: BärnHäckt / Hack4SocialGood / ...?
We have created a fresh project page to collect the results on, and are still working on a couple of interesting directions.