Interaction, learning from others around machine learning in social welfare

Dragan Stoll

  • ⚙️ Coder / Hacker
  • 🔬 Researcher / Educator

Experience in Machine Learning, Data Warehousing, Data Science, Analysis in and around Child Welfare and Social Work.


Hack4SocialGood 2024

April 19 - 20, 2024 ZHAW Zürich, Toni Areal

Bringt Menschen aus dem Sozial- und dem Technikbereich zusammen, um Lösungen für Anliegen im Digitalisierungsbereich zu finden.

Hack4SocialGood 2023

March 31 - April 1, 2023 BFH Generationenhaus Bern

Hackathon for Inclusive Digitalisation / Hackathon für eine inklusive Digitalisierung


Hallo Reto, du hast dich für diese Challenge angemeldet, wir sind im Zimmer 6 Stock 6.T22, falls du uns suchst. LG Dragan

6 months ago

Hi guys, I just updated the translatepoc notebook with an example of rapidapi nlp translation tool, its free for 300 tokens and I implemented a function to translate an input. And I uploaded a detectlanguage notebook from my former lectures that could be helpfull. Dragan

1 year ago

Dear Oleg, there was another place where you azure key was in the notebook, I deleted it and updated the github.

1 year ago

1 year ago