Dragan Stoll

  • ⚙️ Coder / Maker
  • 🔬 Researcher / Analyst


Experience in Machine Learning, Data Warehousing, Data Science, Analysis in and around Child Welfare and Social Work.



Interaction, learning from others around machine learning in social welfare


Hallo Reto, du hast dich für diese Challenge angemeldet, wir sind im Zimmer 6 Stock 6.T22, falls du uns suchst. LG Dragan

5 days ago

Hi guys, I just updated the translatepoc notebook with an example of rapidapi nlp translation tool, its free for 300 tokens and I implemented a function to translate an input. And I uploaded a detectlanguage notebook from my former lectures that could be helpfull. Dragan

1 year ago

Dear Oleg, there was another place where you azure key was in the notebook, I deleted it and updated the github.

1 year ago

1 year ago