Care giver portal

Supporting job searches with a more transparent marketplace

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We have during the hackathon briefly evaluated several possible platforms for further development of an online solution for Care givers. We consider open source, strong security, data integration, and privacy protection measures to be key characteristics of a successful direction going forward. Our solution (and the tool it is made with) includes:

Next Steps

  • Further, develop the Webpage
  • Multiple Language Support (Webpage and Chatbot)
  • Closely work with Caritas to implement the process

Challenge statement

24 hours care
Hack4SocialGood 2020 Challenge

Caritas Care Challenge

Challenge statement

This is the challenge provided by Caritas. See also supporting slides in English and in German (Drive).

How can you manage employees who work decentral throughout Switzerland (and abroad), speak different languages, have different permits and have different work models? Caritas Care has been trying to do this for several years. Commuting migrant women work as 24-hour caregivers in Switzerland and at the same time work for a Caritas organization in Eastern Europe. The goal of the challenge is to create a platform/app where Caritas Care can inform the caregivers about the working conditions at Caritas. The platform/app has to be multilingual and should give the care workers access to all important information. The recruitment process should be managed over this plattform/app. The recruitment Process involves sharing documents, getting information, and organizing potential interviews.

  • Hintergrund Wissen: Rechtliche Anstellungsbedingungen, geringe Kenntnisse über den Markt der 24 Stunden Betreuung, geringe HR Kenntnisse, Technisches Wissen: Datenbankmanagement, Verständnis von User Experience.


Care-Migrantinnen und Care-Migranten kommen aus wirtschaftlich ärmeren Ländern in die Schweiz und übernehmen hauswirtschaftliche sowie betreuerische Tätigkeiten. Sie kochen, putzen, waschen, helfen bei der Körperhygiene und sind für die Betagten da, meist rund um die Uhr. Es handelt sich dabei praktisch ausnahmslos um Frauen, welche dieser bezahlten Care-Arbeit nachgehen. Deshalb ist im öffentlichen Diskurs von Care-Migrantinnen die Rede. CareInfo befasst sich hauptsächlich mit Care-Migrantinnen, die bei betreuungsbedürftigen Menschen zu Hause wohnen und arbeiten. Dabei pendeln die Care-Migrantinnen in einem Wochen- oder Monatsrhythmus zwischen ihrer Heimat und dem Haushalt in der Schweiz hin und her («live-in»-Care-Migrantin). Das Pendeln ist für diese Care-Migrantinnen eine Lebensstrategie, um das eigene Zuhause mit der Familie im Herkunftsland erhalten zu können.


  • Bisher verwendete Dokumente zur Erfassung der notwendigen Daten der Betreuerinnen.
  • NAV Kanton Bern
  • Power Point Präsentation Challenge
This content is a preview from an external site.

Event finish


3 years ago ~ andreas_teixeira

Repository updated

3 years ago ~ andreas_teixeira


3 years ago ~ andreas_teixeira

The recording of our project has been done and all the documentation is now available.

3 years ago ~ margaux_siguier


3 years ago ~ margaux_siguier

Repository updated

3 years ago ~ andreas_teixeira


3 years ago ~ margaux_siguier

Joined the team

3 years ago ~ margaux_siguier


3 years ago ~ loleg

Repository updated

3 years ago ~ loleg


3 years ago ~ loleg

We have created a fresh project page to collect the results on, and are still working on a couple of interesting directions.

3 years ago ~ loleg

Repository updated

3 years ago ~ loleg


3 years ago ~ loleg

Repository updated

3 years ago ~ loleg

Joined the team

3 years ago ~ loleg

Challenge shared
Tap here to review.

3 years ago ~ loleg


Contributed 3 years ago by loleg for Hack4SocialGood 2020
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