
People in Need - Improving Volunteer Aid in Switzerland


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Demo chatbot 👆🏻

People in Need

Improving Volunteer Aid in Switzerland

Certaid brings together those seeking help and volunteers in the simplest and most straight-forward way possible. To do this, we need an online tool for registering volunteers and recording needs. We want to set a new standard for connecting people, and we want to break new ground to do it.

Menschen in Not

Freiwilligenhilfe in der Schweiz verbessern

Certaid hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, Hilfesuchende und Freiwillige auf dem einfachsten, niederschwelligsten Weg zusammenzubringen. Dazu brauchen wir ein Onlinetool für die Erfassung von freiwilligen Helfern und eine Möglichkeit zur Erfassung von Bedürfnissen. Wir wollen einen neuen Standard für die Verbindung von Menschen setzen und möchten dazu auch neue Wege gehen.

Personnes en détresse

Améliorer l'aide bénévole en Suisse

Certaid a pour objectif de mettre en relation les personnes cherchant de l'aide et les bénévoles de la manière la plus simple et la moins contraignante possible. Pour cela, nous avons besoin d'un outil en ligne pour recenser les bénévoles et d'une possibilité de recenser les besoins. Nous voulons établir un nouveau standard pour la connexion des personnes et souhaitons pour cela emprunter de nouvelles voies.

Glorious purpose

👏 🏆


Event finish

Nothing more (or less) to do then do the presentation an celebrate! Thanks a lot to all who joined our Challenge!

1 year ago ~ mpieren


Edited (version 67)

1 year ago ~ mpieren

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1 year ago ~ mpieren

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1 year ago ~ mpieren

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1 year ago ~ mpieren

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1 year ago ~ ibrahim

Edited (version 57)

1 year ago ~ mpieren

Edited (version 55)

1 year ago ~ mpieren

Edited (version 53)

1 year ago ~ mpieren

Joined the team

1 year ago ~ janine


1 year ago ~ mpieren

Chatbot is up and running :) Know we are working on the decision-matrix for the mapper! lot of brainwork :D

1 year ago ~ mpieren

Started for day number two - still a lot of energy! but unfortunately missing some people... :(

1 year ago ~ mpieren

Lot of work ist done - Thanks a lot to all participants today! Looking forward to tomorrow!

1 year ago ~ mpieren

A lot of registration is needed before we can start with the bot... :( but we already have an idea for the conversation flow!

1 year ago ~ mpieren

We identified our 4 scenarios to test with the chatbot:

  • Missing Person: 45 years old, suizidal, country side, 5 days
  • Missing Person: child, not coming home after school
  • Missing Person: 68 years old, hiking, mountains
  • Social Case: bringing a child from scool to home
1 year ago ~ mpieren

Joined the team

1 year ago ~ ahmed_mohamed23

1 year ago ~ mpieren

Joined the team

1 year ago ~ raffaelkrebs

We started with our challenge - the daily goal is to ramp up a rulebased chatbot to train with some questions, mapping scenarios and the possible helpers behind.

1 year ago ~ mpieren


Edited (version 22)

1 year ago ~ dhevenstone

Edited (version 20)

1 year ago ~ dhevenstone

Dear All

We are really happy to start with our Challenge! Under https://github.com/mpieren/hack4socialgood you'll find some needed documents and print-screens!

If there are allready some questions, just contact me!

1 year ago ~ mpieren

Edited (version 14)

1 year ago ~ mpieren

Edited (version 12)

1 year ago ~ mpieren

Edited (version 10)

1 year ago ~ mpieren

Edited (version 8)

1 year ago ~ mpieren

Edited (version 6)

1 year ago ~ mpieren

Edited (version 4)

1 year ago ~ mpieren

Joined the team

1 year ago ~ mpieren
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