To make sure we are all excellent to each other, keep all systems humming, and kindly support some random hacks. At Hack4SocialGood I am very keen to learn how to apply Design Thinking to support non-profits.

Oleg/h Lavrovsky

  • 🛡️ Staff / Organiser
  • ⚙️ Coder / Hacker

Maintainer of dribdat and co-organizer of Hack4SocialGood.


Hack4SocialGood 2024

April 19 - 20, 2024 ZHAW Zürich, Toni Areal

Bringt Menschen aus dem Sozial- und dem Technikbereich zusammen, um Lösungen für Anliegen im Digitalisierungsbereich zu finden.

Hack4SocialGood 2023

March 31 - April 1, 2023 BFH Generationenhaus Bern

Hackathon for Inclusive Digitalisation / Hackathon für eine inklusive Digitalisierung

Eine gemeinsame digitale Werkzeugkiste / A shared digital toolbox for Hack4SocialGood

Hack4SocialGood 2020

December 11 - 13, 2020 Berner Fachhochschule Online

Innovation Workshop for Inclusive Digitalisation / Innovationsworkshop für eine inklusive Digitalisierung


5 months ago

  Our little proto-app slowly taking shape

5 months ago

Added English translation of requirements doc, linked code repository with demo app

5 months ago

5 months ago

Started a brainstorming pad here:

6 months ago

Toller Start, alles Gute für die Fortsetzung!

1 year ago

The proto-chatbot is running again (search for Campax Elections in Telegram) and we are making it easier to use and smarter.

1 year ago

1 year ago

We have a demo project up where we are reading the CSV files and (separately for now) auto-translating the strings.

1 year ago

Can I has more RAM plz?

1 year ago

We have started a GitHub Project with a simple kanban plan of our work, and are setting up some Jupyter notebooks and VMs at the moment.

1 year ago

qaStaHvIS ram law' Hoch DaSovbe'chu' (That's MS Klingon for "A glorious valiant death by a thousand hackathons")_

1 year ago

I am looking forward to working with you at Hack4SocialGood 2023!

1 year ago

Challenge description updated.

1 year ago

Ist das Hackathon-Konzept auch auf andere, nicht digitale Bereiche übertragbar? Produkt/Prozessentwicklung, Prototypen, Modellierung..

3 years ago

Hackathons interessant für Studierende an der BFH: BärnHäckt / Hack4SocialGood / ...?

3 years ago

We have created a fresh project page to collect the results on, and are still working on a couple of interesting directions.

3 years ago