My goals are - to contribute to finding new, inclusive digital solutions - to meet other people interested in social innovation and digitalisation

Annina Indermühle

  • 🖍️ Designer / Creative
  • 🔬 Researcher / Educator

Professional: I am a social anthropologist with 20 years of experience in NGOs and public administration, centered around integration/inclusion of migrants and refugees. Currently self-employed at, committed to putting humans (back) in the centre of digitalisation processses and projects in NGOs and the social sector. Private: I live in Bern in a colourful patchwork family, love languages, visual communication, all things sustainable, and am a genuinely curious person. Main skills: development and implementation of project and service ideas, research and analysis, concept design, transcultural skills.


Hack4SocialGood 2024

April 19 - 20, 2024 ZHAW Zürich, Toni Areal

Bringt Menschen aus dem Sozial- und dem Technikbereich zusammen, um Lösungen für Anliegen im Digitalisierungsbereich zu finden.

Hack4SocialGood 2020

December 11 - 13, 2020 Berner Fachhochschule Online

Innovation Workshop for Inclusive Digitalisation / Innovationsworkshop für eine inklusive Digitalisierung


Everything uploaded and ready to be inspected by peers and judges.

3 years ago