Von Daten zu Taten

Ein Datentool für Caritas Schweiz

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Final Presentation on youtube

Dashboard Idea: Excalidraw room

Wir sind an einfachen Auswertungen, Visualisierungen und fortgeschrittenen Modellierungen interessiert, aber auch an der Klärung von praktischen, konzeptionellen und technischen Fragen zum Datenprozess. Vielleicht resultiert am Hack gar ein erster integrierter Prototyp eines Datentools.

🔒 Dropbox - Daten


This projects uses https://quarto.org/ and https://code.visualstudio.com/ to create a data visualisation website for Caritas Schweiz.


Install Quarto according to: https://quarto.org/docs/get-started/

In VSCode install these extensions:

  • Quarto
  • Juypter

Then install python tools:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Open the hello.qmd file and run the cell.


Add Falldaten_CaritasbB.csv and Caritas Markt.csv to the folder.

Open the index.qmd and run the Quarto preview > Quarto: Preview.


To generate the .html document (the static website) run > Quarto: Render Document and select HTML.


Download the Quarto binary.


Render the documents.


Deploy with vercel.

vercel --prod
This content is a preview from an external site.

Joined the team

5 months ago ~ rusutter


Edited (version 47)

5 months ago ~ AnninaIndermuehle

Event finish

Edited (version 46)

5 months ago ~ AnninaIndermuehle

more years

add more text

comment diagrams

new charts

add tunrover (index with Umsatz) (@dvonbergen)

Add files via upload (@EllaSXM)

cases menu structure

add Karte und Diagram (@matin5000)

upate vercel

remove code from output

fix vercel deployment


cases / falldaten

Add files via upload (@EllaSXM)


Update README.md

Edited (version 40)

5 months ago ~ janikvonrotz


feat: deploy

feat: website structure

update Kunden tab (@Danaël von Bergen)

We added new variables to the dataset! demographic Infos about the clients. For example: ClientPLZ = PLZ where they live ClientAlter = Age Client_Geburtsjahr = Birthyear Lebensform = If they are single parents or other family constructs

5 months ago ~ yannickegg


Our amazing team: Annina Indermühle Oliver Humbelin Chaewon Yoo Nafisa Umar Ekta Foster Jeremy Glaus
Endrit Kastrati Ron Schürch Yannick Eggenschwiler Janik von Rotz Rulla Sutter Roman Schneiter Danael von Bergen Matin Daria

5 months ago ~ evayoo

Caritas team :

5 months ago ~ evayoo

Update market.qmd (@Daria-Oni)

Merge branch 'main' of github.com:Caritas-Schweiz/Quarto

feat: add logo

Add files via upload (@romanschneiter)

5 months ago ~ evayoo


fix: add python fence

feat: add map

Edited (version 34)

5 months ago ~ ellasxm



5 months ago ~ ellasxm

feat: init website

5 months ago ~ evayoo


Edited (version 28)

5 months ago ~ ellasxm

feat: add market

feat: demo

needs and goals

6 months ago ~ yannickegg


feat: readme


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