

Metadata is "data that provides information about other data". In other words, it is "data about data". It is not the same as the format of the data, and the term overlaps - but should not be confused with - database schema. The Open Data Handbook says that "It is essential to publish data with adequate metadata to aid both discoverability and usability of the data." There are many kinds and formats of metadata, depending on the kind of gap they are helping to address. Portals like collect metadata from diverse sources and make it easy to explore.

◎ Brainstorm

  1. Describe some common metadata formats that are important to your field.
  2. Find out who takes responsibility for their maintenance and development, where to get publication support.
  3. What about the metadata may block or benefit the open reuse of data?
  4. How can users benefit from validation or discoverability features?

Research on Metadata Management System of Linkage Service of Scientific Data and Scientific Literature. Xiujuan Wang et al 2018

Contributed 3 years ago by loleg for Ready, Data, Open!
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