× This Challenge was posted 1 year ago



While funder policies may suggest a scope for open science publication, content licensing can seem like a confusing jumble of opinions rather than the practical instrument it aims to be. The term "Open License" is generally used to refer to any legally binding instrument that grants permission to access, re-use, and redistribute a work with few or no restrictions. While technically not a "license," wordwide public domain dedications such as Creative Commons Zero also satisfy this definition. The Open Definition website provides a list of Conformant Licenses.

◎ Brainstorm

  • Think about what kind of legal restrictions you have encountered in your work.
  • Find a case study of how licensing issues have affected research or learning.
  • From a fair use perspective, when may data be / may not be reused (with clear attribution)?
  • Discuss how open data licensing can lead to reforms in the way collaborations are done, or institutions are governed.

Open Data in Global Environmental Research: The Belmont Forum's Open Data Survey. Birgit Schmidt et al 2016.

CC Cheat Sheet Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, CC BY 4.0

Contributed 3 years ago by loleg for Ready, Data, Open!
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